Ana Carolina Cordilha
Researcher & Lecturer in Economics

I am an Associate Professor (MCF) on International Economics at the University of Rennes 2.

The focus of my research is the process of financialization and how it reshapes social security and public health systems. I am interested in understanding how both monetary and fiscal policy are transformed by financial globalization and expansion, and the effects of such transformations on the financing of social security policies

I resort to different schools within Heterodox Economics to understand the variegated ways in which power asymmetries and currency hierarchies shape monetary and fiscal policy, and consequently the financialization of social security, across central and peripheral economies.

More recently, I have also been working with the interplay between financial dominance and other phenomena such as land grabbing and wealth inequalities.  

I am a member of the Institute for High Studies in Latin America of Sorbonne Nouvelle University (Institute des hautes études en Amérique latine - IHEAL). My teaching activities at Sorbonne Nouvelle include courses in International Political Economy, Economic Development, Research Methodology, and Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences.

Over the past years, I was also a member of  the research project "Wealth Inequalities and Elites in the Global South", held by the Southern Center for Inequality Studies (SCIS) at the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg).
